
Everything that I was holding onto during the trip, I was able to release. It was like I shed 30 years of emotional baggage in 15 minutes and it was life-changing and all about unconditional love. Never been more grateful and at this moment I never want to use drugs again. Peace

Iboga totally blew my mind, or introduced me to the powers of my mind for the first time. I guess those are roughly the same

Iboga fixed my binge eating and sugar addiction. 3 years now and no return of binging (still get some triggers but so minuscule compared to before), and can only stand a small amount of sugar or mildly sweet

Iboga helped my procrastination. It's hard to explain but it made me more determined to accomplish goals, and vices like procrastination stopped making excuses

Iboga is like the crazy enlightened uncle who makes everyone in the house feel really awkward when he visits because he points out all the stupid useless things that we waste precious life force energy on but in the end everyone feels great because they stopped doing those things

My first experience with the medicine, the spirit presented itself to me as a tree, and then as a woman. My second experience presented itself to me as a baby, and then as a woman. I think the idea that Iboga is a "stern male" or grandfather spirit is only some peoples experience. For me, Iboga is a woman

Thank you Iboga. Every day I live to honor what I’ve learned, and continue to heal. I hope my life is a reflection of my respect for your spirit, and that I leave a positive imprint on everyone I meet, everything I touch, and everywhere I go. My gratitude to you always. Thank you for my life

Today is the first anniversary of my rebirth. A year ago to the day, I entrusted my destiny in the hands of Iboga in order to heal my soul and my body. It was ten times beyond my expectations, in one night I was freed from dangerous addictions and multiple fears that gnawed at me from within.

Iboga is very much in the mind. In the head. And it is deeply personal. If working through PTSD is your goal, Iboga was incredibly effective for me.